
Post videos where customers talk about a successful purchase at a car dealership, in a block carousel. Attract the attention of users with the help of short videos that replace each other.

In the content

Place any number of widgets on the page. Create a selection of video reviews about the car dealership and combine them into one gallery.
More videos
on our
the channel
More videos
on our
the channel
Show a random video from the selection on each page.
By clicking on the CTA button, the user will be taken to a page with reviews from real customers.

Let's make a video for you!

We will post it on your website, personalize the design, set up everything for you and will regularly update video feedback
for 60$
*Upload the videos to the form by clicking the button or upload them to Yandex.Disk and attach the link
Write to the chat to clarify the details!